A year long experiment of new creations contributed by various writers, artists, and dreamers. A bi-monthly magazine that is roughly 28 pages. We strive to give talented people a forum to create new and exciting things.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Seeking content for issue #2

Issue one is being layed out and finalized this week which means, it's time to look towards issue #2! We are looking for any creative people to contribute content to the next issue, writers, artists, photographers, dreamers, and anyone who has just always wanted to make something and see it be published, this is your chance.

If you have something you would like to be a part of Make Something email us at MakeSomethingMag@gmail.com either send your piece of work directly or talk to the editor about what you would like to do. All accepted work will be published in an issue of Make Something for anyone to buy and check out! Come be part of the group project!

Deadline for issue 2 is March 31st.

Basic legalize talk. All copyrights of contributed content are solely that of the creator, Make Something magazine does not claim any form of ownership of printed materials nor will we make a dime off the work. Make Something is a not for profit POD magazine experiment for the year of 2010, 6 issues of cool things made by cool people. End legalize.

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